- Can you place your units on an island at the beginning?
No, you must use your ship to transport the unit to the island during the naval movement phase.
- Can you put a unit on the teleportal territory at the start of the game?
Yes, all 3 teleportal territories may be claimed at the start of the game.
- Can I place a unit on the wastelands during set-up?
No, you must move a unit(s) into the Wastelands during the quest activity phase.
- Does each player complete all 7 phases in the action sequence before the next player starts his or her turn or do all players complete phase1 before going to phase 2?
A player must complete all 7 phases of the action sequence before the next player's turn.
- Can you move units from one edge of the game board to the other?
Yes, the 3 territories on the top edge of the gameboard are adjacent to the 3 territories on the bottom edge. The land bridge connects the two territories in the center continent. The sea zones at the top edge are adjacent to the bottom edge. It costs 1 naval movement allowance to move ships from one side of the gameboard to the other.
- Can I leave a territory empty?
No, you may never voluntarily leave a territory unoccupied. However, vacant territories may result due to mutual losses in battle.
- What happens when you have mutual losses resulting in an unoccupied territory?
Nothing, that territory may be left unoccupied but you can transfer or force-march a unit to claim the unoccupied territory.
- Does the Kingdom have any effect in battle?
Yes, the army attacking a Kingdom must reduce its TAS by 1.
- Can a unit move more than 1 ship?
No, there must be 1 unit per ship to move during the naval movement phase. However, there is no restriction on how many ships a single unit may guard if the ships are docked.
- Can a Wizard teleport in the Wastelands?
Yes, it may only transfer to a Wasteland space occupied by friendly quest party during the naval movement phase or transfer phase. A Wizard may also teleport itself and 5 units from a Wasteland space to a friendly zone during the transfer phase or to an enemy occupied territory during the naval movement phase.
- Can I transfer or force-march a treasure from one unit to the next?
No, if you gain a treasure in the Wastelands, you can place it under a unit in the quest party or place it under a unit in the Kingdom. The treasure is now assigned to that unit and may be forced marched during the combat phase or transferred to an adjacent territory during the transfer phase along with the unit that the treasure was assigned to.
- When can I teleport from a teleportal territory?
If you have a commander in the teleportal territory, you may move your army through the teleportal to another teleportal territory during the combat phase or transfer phase. Think of the teleportal territories as a gateway or tunnel connecting the continents. The teleportal territories are not to be confused with casting a teleportal spell, which must be used during the naval movement phase or the transfer phase.
- When can I use the Teleport spell?
A commander may only use the Teleport spell during the naval movement phase or the transfer phase of the attacking player's turn. However, if a commander with the Teleport spell is under attack during another player's turn, it may use the Teleport spell to retreat to a friendly territory during the remove melee attack casualties step of the combat sequence. The retreating commander may not attack or teleport any other units.
- Can you move more than one quest party into the wastelands?
No, you may only have 1 quest party at any one time. If it is lost or captured you may form another quest party and re-enter the Wastelands.
- What happens to a captured quest party?
Set the quest party aside with the companion cards. You must dispatch another quest party and try to obtain a prophecy card that allows you to rescue the lost quest party. If you are successful, the extra units above the quest party size restrictions are returned to your Kingdom and extra companion cards are returned to the bottom of the companion card deck.
- Does a unit in the Wastelands count as 1 gold during the collect income phase of your turn?
No, you receive 1 gold for each territory, 3 gold for each gold territory and 5 gold for every Kingdom, you occupy.
- Where do I have to place the pickaxe and torch?
Your first quest party starts with a torch and a pickaxe. Simply place the torch and pickaxe along with the units in a stack and roll the d4 die. You now move the corresponding number of Wasteland spaces with the village space counting as 1.
- Can I buy items from the village before I go on a quest?
Yes, you must always move to the full extent of the 1d4 roll (See Quest Activity Movement Allowance) with two exceptions; you may voluntarily stop short on a village or stop short on an enemy quest party.
- Who owns a ship docked at the village harbor?
No one owns the ship, if there are no units aboard. You can drop some units off in the harbor, but you should leave at least 1 unit in the ship to bring the ship to safety during naval movement. The units dropped off may then roll for quest activity movement allowance during the quest activity phase and move to the corresponding Wasteland space.
- What happens to lost items, do they vanish?
Yes, if a monster for example defeats a quest party during a quest, all treasures and tools in the quest party's possession including companion cards are removed and returned to the game inventory.
Please send your questions to: faq@questforthedragonlords.com